Weekend Fun in the High Sierras

IMG_0146Last weekend Hubbs and I and the dogs headed up by Silver Lake in the High Sierras to enjoy a little hiking and some fishing.  The weather was too nice to stay inside so we headed to the Lake Margaret Trailhead near Kirkwood Ski Resort.  It’s a couple of hours from the house.


This was the first time that we’d ever been up but the reviews on Trails.com were pretty good so we thought we’d give it a chance.  A lot of the trail was shady but there were some hot dry parts too.


There were a couple of water crossings, one was dry but the other was over fairly deep water that was moving at a good clip.  Neither Maggie or Buster hesitated to cross on the logs, they just hopped on and crossed.


The lake was beautiful but the fishing was horrible.  Hubbs didn’t even get a nibble here.  But we did have a nice lunch and chatted with an interesting mix of people.  Most people were very surprised to see too miniature dachshunds all the way out there and they all wanted to know if the dogs walked the whole way (they did).


This was busters first hiking experience and he did really well.  He was a big impatient when we stopped…I think he couldn’t wait to find out what was around the corner.



The lake was gorgeous and lots of people were swimming.  I wished I had thought to bring my suit.  It looked really refreshing after the 2.5 mile hike in.


Hubbs and the dogs did pose a bit for a couple of pictures but after a couple of hours hanging out we headed back.

IMG_0176On the way back Hubbs did some fishing.  I got him a new fishing pole for his birthday that broke down small for taking hiking.  He caught 3 or 4 small German Brown Trout in the stream on the way back.  I laid in the grass until I was needed to take pictures.  He didn’t catch anything legal to keep so they all went back.  Chances are that they’re native trout anyway so they all would have gone back even if they were keepers.


While Hubbs fished, the dogs and I laid in the grass and enjoyed the view.  I think Maggie was wondering if she could climb that mountain…


The scenery was unbeatable.


And the weather was warm enough that the dogs did a little wading.


Buster supervised the fishing

IMG_0236And both dogs tried to get into the action.


By the end of the day we were all dusty, tired and happy.  It was a great hike and now that fall is almost upon us, I’m looking forward to more of it.